NVS #OnePersonOneJobAtaTime Giving Campaign

Giving Campaign Goal
Raised as of 12/21/2021
Percent of $15,000 Goal
We did it! 100%

Support is always appreciated!

We are still coping with the unique set of challenges brought on by the pandemic when it comes to supporting our clients’ job searches.
Your continued donations are appreciated as we support the growing needs of our client base in the new year! See the QR code below for details.

Why Give

Individuals with disabilities are often marginalized in the job market. Your gift supports people with neurological disabilities return to work! We remove barriers to employment by assisting our clients to develop LinkedIn profiles, revise resumes, upgrade interview skills, and utilize job search websites to reach employability , e.g, paid internships/ on the job training

Your gift directly benefits our clients with disabilities

0% goes to NVS Administration – our board members are volunteers

90% – Job Coaching the Client
Job Coaches provide a necessary link between helping a client attain a job, and helping that client retain the position.
The ultimate purpose of job coaching is to help the client independently perform the essential functions of the job.

10% – Assisting the Client in their Job
Assistive Technology and Adaptive Tools
Subscriptions to job search sites like FlexJobs, etc.

How to Give

1. Scan the QR Code above

2. Donate via donation page: https://nvsrehab.org/support/donation/

3. Mail check to 325 Ninth Avenue Box 359744, Seattle WA 98104